Your Children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. And though they are with you they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their thoughts dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. Kahlil Gibran

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Pre-Birthday Weekend

It just so happens that this H*llmark Snowman has been the best idea to settle Willow into bed for the night. I think this snowman has won his place in our hearts and will be around through the summer months. We just tuck Willow into her crib and then push the button. "Easy Peasy" as Niko would say. Niko had his best friend over at the start of Willow's birthday weekend, but he still had time to play with Willow.
They both are enjoying my "old" Fish*r Pr*ce Little People that I saved through the years despite Paul's attempts to have me let them go. I had loved them so much I was hoping one of my children would. Niko wasn't all that interested when he was younger, but Willow is beginning to use them for imaginery play. (Willow loved her cupcake shirt in preparation for her birthday.)

Of course, she never misses an opportunity to be impish...ouch Niko's poor hand shut in the hat box. Willow likes that she can get a reaction out of her big brother...any reaction will do.
Niko took a few pictures of Willow using the dry erase board that she loves so much.
She likes to play teacher. She has me draw Ws and circles, sometimes stars. Then she takes my finger and helps me count. She does a pretty good job of counting.
The highlight of her birthday weekend was going to the forbidden golden arches to ride the tubes. She eyed people's food and so badly wanted a meal, but that is just not going to happen for her. One day last month her pre-school caught had a fire in the kitchen so they had to walk across the street to McD for lunch. She was hooked I believe.
Nana, Yiayia, Papa, Paul and I sat in Playland sipping hot beverages while Niko did an amazing job of trying to keep up with Willow who had couldn't have been happier. She kept yelling, "Watch This!" (which sounds like "wash thish")
I'm surprised I got a shot of them on the green slide because she was emphatic that she go down the "purple one!"
Willow easily could have handled the maze herself, but it was a busy day and Niko was afraid she would get trampled.
Papa just bribed her by saying she could use scissor when she got home if she got her coat on. She loves scissors almost as much as slides and tubes.She wasn't so easily convinced, however.
We finally found a hat style that fits the shape of Willow's head and allows her eyes to show. Paul found one in M*ntreal's Chinatown, and it is exactly what we have been searching for.
This is Willow showing off she can fold her arms and tell me "No, I don't want to!"
An end to the weekend bubble bath...

VIDEO: Tubes

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