Your Children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. And though they are with you they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their thoughts dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. Kahlil Gibran

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bears, Bison and Bald Eagles

The Tetons are spectacular.
So are Yellowstone Grizzlies. We saw two grizzlies which is incredibly lucky. The other one was a golden color and my photos didn't come out. It is hard to be quick and steady while freaking out that there is an actual grizzly eating flowers right in front of me. His head is a bit blurry because he was very intent on eating.

I'm not sure Willow realized what the commotion was. Notice she is looking quite healthy and happy in this photo...not for long.
We had entered the Park at dusk which is a great time to see wildlife but meant we would be tired by the time we hit the lodge motel. Also, we almost hit an elk as it crossed in front of us as we rounded a corner; there was a large group of them and one was sauntering across the road. We also saw 3 coyotes.
The next morning Willow woke with a fever and so we didn't get an early start as we let her sleep in and we tried to find children liquid pain reliever. That's when we learned those items had been pulled from store shelves. Small pharmacies like in West Yellowstone removed all such items just to be safe.
These are the mud pots.

This is how Willow looked at her perkiest throughout Yellowstone. She was feeling her worst and just slept as we pushed her along.
Niko hoped we would see a bison up close. It is easy to see bison in the Park but a treat to be near enough to see it this closely. We also saw a couple of bald eagles. One was in his huge nest on top of a very high pole.
Of course, everyone has to see Old Faithful. This is Niko's third time seeing it, but it is just not a complete trip without the experience. He did discover The Beehive Geyser a bit later that appeared even more spectacular but certainly not as predictable.
We were a few of many waiting for Old Faithful.

This is The Beehive Geyser than Niko really enjoyed.

Niko loved the science behind all of the geothermal formations.
I like the beautiful blue pools as well as the mud pots.
We briefly entered the lodge and I held Willow in a rocking chair while Niko walked around.
We headed back to The Three Bear Lodge (no 4 star luxury for those 2 days) and prepared for our next day trip to Missoula, MT where we plan to stay for 5 weeks.

VIDEO: Grizzly

1 comment:

Bill said...

Some great shots in there. Nice blog...o/o