Your Children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. And though they are with you they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their thoughts dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. Kahlil Gibran

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Road Trip to Banff: world's largest truck

Our second stop on our way to Banff was the World's Largest Truck. We told Niko that would be a stop before we left but he wasn't all that impressed. When we arrived he said, "Wow...that kind of truck? I have wanted to see one of those my whole entire life and I never thought I would."

Niko said he we had to take this photo to "scare YiaYia." Well, he is always thinking of his YiaYia.Willow just kept pointing, from a safe distance and saying, "truck...truck." (This picture won't turn for some reason.)Niko was incredibly interested in the coal mining machinery that was on display. Unfortunately, we couldn't stop at each one because we had a long trip ahead. He loved to try to figure out how they worked.
VIDEO: big truck

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